Smart Urban Environments

Worldwide cities are facing new challenges, caused by technological, climatic or social changes. The urban space of the future must therefore be notably flexible and resistant in order to be able to adapt to these constantly changing requirements. This development requires the use of smart concepts, which must be equally secure, sustainable and flexible, in order to guarantee the long-term functionality and quality of life of urban agglomerations around the world.

The Competence Team Smart Urban Environments develops creative and sustainable solutions for the urban space of the future. This is being implemented through the consideration of flexible technologies and various influencing factors from such areas as energy, mobility, city planning, social interaction, social change or security. Through studies, urban test labs and targeted technology management, the relevant influencing factors and possible potentials are being systematically investigated and serve as a basis for equipping urban spaces with the necessary adaptation mechanisms for an unforeseeable future.

A key success factor for the shaping of urban concepts of the future is the networking and coordination of technologies and competences from different areas as well as the promotion of an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and knowledge. The networking of such actors as citizens, companies, politics, cities and research facilities, should extend  beyond national borders. It is necessary to adapt the developed concepts to the respective cultural and geographic conditions and simultaneously to open up new, promising markets which can benefit from German and Baden-Württemberg know-how in the field of sustainable construction and urban development.


Overview of services:

● Studies based on qualitative and quantitative data collection

● Development of scenarios and concepts & action recommendations

● Scientific support of experiments in urban areas

● Big Data Evaluations

● Development of intelligent neighborhood concepts

● Internationalization of approaches for sustainable construction and urban development

● Creative formats for the networking of actors


Designing Sustainable Urban Spaces

How will city centers, neighborhoods and commercial areas be designed in the future to meet today's and tomorrow's complexity of economic, ecological, social and technological trends?


Innovative Solutions for the Hotel Industry

Which trends and innovations are relevant for the industry? How can future developments be countered? In various research formats and with a wide range of services, we pursue answers to these questions.


Concepts for Gastronomy

Can we reinvent gastronomy and where will our food come from in the future? These and other questions around the topics: Foodtech, digitalization of gastronomy and cross-industry disruptive developments are addressed by the new research network "FutureGastronomy".


Exploring new Paths for Cultural Institutions

The Museum Innovation Network is a science-based think tank that supports museums, science centers, galleries, exhibitions, cultural organizations and the creative industries in developing strategies, concepts and solutions, and a place where joint projects are initiated.


Vanessa Borkmann

Contact Press / Media

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vanessa Borkmann

Head of Team Smart Urban Environments

Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart

Mobile +49 151 16327782

Philipp Ciziroglou

Contact Press / Media

B.A. Philipp Ciziroglou

Smart Urban Environments

Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart

Phone +49 711 970-2144

Katharina Dienes

Contact Press / Media

M.A. Katharina Dienes

Smart Urban Environments

Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstr. 12
70569 Stuttgart

Phone  +49 711 970-5454

Ronja Gaulinger

Contact Press / Media

M.Sc. Ronja Gaulinger

Smart Urban Environments

Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart

Constanze Heydkamp

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Constanze Heydkamp

Smart Urban Environments

Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart

Phone +49 711 970-2342

Yannick Hofmann

Contact Press / Media

M.A. Yannick Hofmann

Smart Urban Environments

Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart

Phone +49 711 970-5368

Mobile +49 174 1519890

Anna-Lena Reulein

Contact Press / Media

M.A. Anna-Lena Reulein

Smart Urban Environments

Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart

Mobile +49 151 16327898

Frederic Schubert

Contact Press / Media

Frederic Schubert

Smart Urban Environments

Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart, Deutschland

Phone +49 711 970-5174